Brother Judah Marable
Judah Marable is a graduate of Montclair State University, earning a Bachelor in Fine Arts (Dance). Although he grew up in the Allen Liturgical Dance Ministry, under the direction of Dr. Kathleen Turner and his mother, Rev. Eyesha Marable, he began his technical training at the age of 16. Soon thereafter, he was invited to revive and lead the dance ministry at Israel Memorial AME Church, which evolved into R.O.A.R. (Reclaiming Our Adolescent Righteousness), an evangelistic touring team of young people.
Managing school and ministry was both challenging and gratifying as he continued to grow in knowledge and technique. He is a young Levite, mentor and choreographer that has taught both nationally and internationally, in both the secular and sacred spaces. Judah has aspirations of becoming a professional liturgical dancer and turning R.O.A.R into a professional dance company. It is his goal to become the “Alvin Ailey” of liturgical dance, all to the glory of God. Pray for Judah PRAISE. |